An analyst for Fox News, Andrew Napolitano was a New Jersey Superior Court judge from 1987 to 1995, his current career on Fox News is commenting about legal news and trials. He went to Princeton University for an A.B. Degree, also getting a J.D. from Notre Dame Law School. The New Jersey State Bar admitted him in 1975, but later he managed to work on writing, teaching, and television oriented career. He was briefly considered for an appointment as a United States Supreme Court Judge, but Judge Brett Kavanaugh was actually the one chosen instead. His television appearances include Power of Attorney where people bought small claims disputes to court in a televised courtroom.

Napolitano is a libertarian who in 2006-2010 had hosted a libertarian talk show called Freedom Watch, which was aired on Fox Business Channel. Napolitano was a Constitutional law teacher at Delaware Law School for 2 years, he taught at Seton Law for 11. His career has been built on watching the government, to report on violations of personal liberty, private property and personal opportunities related to the economy. As a national lecturer on the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law, civil liberties in wartime, and human freedom, he has been published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times and other publications because he also has a weekly newspaper column hosted by The Washington Times with dozens of internet venues that millions of people watch every week.

He’s written 9 books on the U.S. Constitution. Two of those books are New York Times Best Sellers about how post 9/11 Presidents are treated like princes instead of public servants. These princes go after our so-called civil liberties vehemently, with a vengeance. Napolitano is someone who teaches about law and order, his career serving to protect human rights and responsibilities. 

Andrew Napolitano speaks out about suppression of free speech on university campuses. He feels that colleges and universities that accept funds from the government cannot restrict free speech. It is different when someone who owns private property can decide what happens on that land. The First Amendment of Freedom of Speech is not always something that happens on college campuses. Napolitano upholds American values by holding up a magnifying glass to campuses because they do not always respect free speech save when its left-wing and public safety is more important than anything else in that present moment.

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