Everywhere you turn there are CBD products today.  It seems like they are coming out of the woodwork.  The industry is growing exponentially and accounts for over $4B annually in sales in the United States alone.  Industry analyst firms are doing studies on the industry. According to a recent Statistica report, it isn’t the CBD itself that is a key differentiator, but what these companies are doing, or in this case not doing, that is a real game changer.  The key takeaway from the report is that testing is a major differentiator in the CBD industry.  According to Statistica, taste, form, bottle design – none of it is as important as safety, efficacy, and most importantly, product testing.  

CBD products come from oils found in the hemp plant.  What most of us don’t realize is that the final products also contain several ingredients we don’t expect to find.  This can include preservatives, additives, other supplements, flavoring, and more.  That’s just what you see when you look at the label.  It’s what you don’t see on the label that matters the most.  

The one standout is that testing is not the same across all brands, strains, or the production of CBD products.  In fact, without proper, unified testing, there is no way to compare products honestly. Did you know that many products deemed to be so healthy have been exposed to toxins long before they reach the bottle you purchase?  That’s a very scary thought.  It means that the product you think is healthy for you may be exactly the opposite.

In a report released this past August, Statistica suggested that “as of 2022, 28 percent of cannabidiol (CBD) brands in the United States did not test their products for pesticide contamination. Only seven percent of brands tested all their products for contamination from pesticides, heavy metals, and microbes.”   Not only are the overwhelming majority of products found in this category inorganic, but they can have the potential to be harmful to your health. In other words, they are doing exactly the opposite of what they are promising.  For those that are labelled organic, in many cases, the hemp plant that the oil originated from may be organic, but the finished product may not be.  With no regulation on this, there is no real way to know what is truly safe and healthy and what is not.

The hemp plant, and the oil used to make CBD that comes from it go through many processes to create the product you see on the shelf or online.  This includes growing, extraction, and production. A product that starts out organic as a plant can become inorganic during any one of these processes.  Companies that add additional additives to their products impact both the safety and efficacy of what was originally a pure hemp oil or CBD oil.  The question then becomes one for the consumer.  Do I purchase a product that is 100% organic but may taste a bit different or do I purchase a product with additives that tastes better but isn’t what I believe I am taking?

Nesas Hemp is a full spectrum CBDa oil that is fully organic from the soil to the bottle.  The company grows their own plants and puts their products through the highest possible testing and even requires significant additional testing as well.  This gives customers the confidence that they are taking a CBDa product that is “beyond organic.” The company doesn’t just grow and manage the plants themselves.  In fact, they also produce the soil their plants grow in as well.  This gives them the assurance that everything they produce is pure and organic. Their soil is also a proprietary organic product. Their harvest is very precise, says their CEO, Inesa Ponomariovaite.  In fact, “everything, at every step, is precise and we are 100% organic every step of the way, from the soil to the bottle” notes Inesa.  

While going this extra mile (or two) may seem like a lot to some, to CEO and Founder Inesa Ponomariovaite it is the least she can do to give back to her plants and her customers.    Both, in her mind, need to live and breathe.  By keeping the plant alive all the time, Inesa can maximize the medicinal value of each plant.

“Because our plants remain alive and intact through our processes, we are the first company to get the Certification of Safety Seal from the FDA registered ACS Laboratories.  Our products are proven to be safe from heavy metals, mercury, pesticides, mold, and many other harmful toxins that most companies don’t worry about,” said Inesa Ponomariovaite, CEO and Founder.

Nesa’s discloses that their products are “beyond organic”.  Not only are they certified organic, with the openly available lab tests to prove it, but they also take their organic mission many steps further. Nesas’ users know that this product makes a significant difference for them.  By going so many steps further, both the company and the product are setting standards for how the entire industry should be run.

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