The holidays are officially here.  From Thanksgiving Turkey to Christmas dinner to New Year’s Eve parties…we are officially in full holiday mode.  The next six weeks will be full of shopping, eating, friends and family, and for most of us almost no time for self-care.  In fact, when it comes to self-care there are two types – self-care for the body and self-care for the mind.  Self-care for the body is simple.  This is exercise, meditation, skin care, massage, and more.  Self-care for the mind, on the other hand, is far more complex.  This is where coaching comes into play.

When it comes to coaching, there are many different kinds.  They include work, life, family, health, and more. IdentifyU is a platform with many of today’s top coaches available for sessions when you need them the most.  To guarantee the company has the top coaches, it maintains a thorough interview process, puts coaches through rigorous interviews, and only hires a small percentage of those that pass.   

Members are matched with coaches based on the company’s user-friendly, proprietary digital assessment.  Coaches and members are matched based on numerous criteria, including everything from goals to values.  Coaching is about changing things in our lives.  It is also about self-care for the mind.  Each person will have different goals for their coaching sessions, whether it be about work, home life, health, stress management, relationships, or something else.

“The core strength of our business is helping our members get the best results possible,” said Parker Terlaak, CEO and Founder, IdentifyU.  “Members are motivated and excited to take on life’s challenges.  Coaches find strength in our matching, connectivity, and scheduling process.  Both sides love our flexibility, as well as their ability to connect consistently with each other on a secure, protective platform,” noted Terlaak.

Coaching and therapy are not the same. Coaches cover all different types of growth-minded areas and can include happiness coaches, relationship coaches, parenting coaches, business coaches, nutrition and health coaches, and more.  Because our needs change over time and at different periods in our lives, IdentifyU has made it easy to shift between coaches as well.

Every medical professional and almost every medical journal has made note of the importance of reducing stress and tension.  During the holiday season, this is even more important.    The coaches on the IdentifyU platform understand this better than most.  The system was not only created for the coaching experience, but also so that members could maximize what they need to get out of the coaching process in the most efficient way possible.

“Everything we built was by the user for the user,” noted Terlaak.  “Everyone who helped design the IdentifyU experience has been a consumer of self-care for the mind services.  We literally designed our experience for ourselves…and for you.  Our sweet spot for members is currently women who, because of their families, or jobs, put themselves last.  In other words, they want to have time for self-care, but don’t know how to make it a priority.”

You can learn more about IdentifyU by visiting www.identifyU.com.   “We’re so confident that you’ll love our platform and our coaches that we’ve made your first visit with a coach absolutely free,” said Terlaak.  “We’ve removed all of the financial risks associated with finding the perfect coach.  This allows you to have an experience where you feel comfortable with the coach you’ve chosen.”

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