Finding ways to sift through digital marketing agencies to pick the right one is going to be a challenge. There could be a number of sales materials that are impressive but you might feel like the agency is not being completely transparent. Digital marketing agencies might charge quite a bit and not deliver results. Others could charge a reasonable fee and deliver results you previously thought were impossible. Getting recommendations from former employees or personal contacts can be very important. The following are tips to allow you to sift through low-quality digital marketing agencies that are pitching your business. 

Low-Quality Sales Outreach Emails 

Outreach is a huge part of digital marketing as it impacts content marketing, SEO, and a number of other areas. Marketing is about making connections and with terrible outreach methods, this should not instill confidence in an agency. There are so many email tools that make it easy to track open rates so these can easily be perfected. No personalization in the email is also a telltale sign of a mass email that took no research or true effort. Immediately trying to pitches services after connecting on LinkedIn is a bad sign. This means you are getting a generic pitch regardless of what your company could potentially need. 

Sales Materials Are Lacking Or Not Even Branded 

There are going to be materials that you are sent via email that cover services and costs monthly. These materials should be of high quality as web design professionals as well as top copywriting professionals should be working with a digital marketing agency. There should be case studies that are put together in concise ways. Always ask an agency for results that they have generated for similar businesses as this means they can thrive in your business niche. Seeing how working on SEO improves organic traffic can be shown through data. Marketing in today’s world is beautiful due to the fact that data can help drive a number of decisions that are being made. 

History Of The Agency 

If an agency has been around for over a decade and the longest tenure of a current employee is 3 years, this could be a bad sign. The last thing you want is to go to an agency that has high turnover as it can lead to your project not being made a priority. Going through multiple client managers is also a bad sign as companies with good cultures don’t have massive turnover. You want to build rapport about furniture stores with an agency D3 Home Modern Furniture in Vista, CA so both sides understand how to work best together. This can be difficult if you are always working with a new team member or project managers continually change. A good working relationship is about communication, rapport, and consistency. 

Agencies do change over the course of time as some maintain their specialty while offering new services. Others completely change their business model due to creating a marketing tool that is widely used and highly regarded.

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