All professional business profiles must have the right online components in 2020. Some of the places where you can hang a professional or executive business profile will invariably be better than others; to this effect, LinkedIn has become almost mandatory, but there are more focused directories that should not be ignored. Crunchbase is often overlooked because many people associate it with TechCrunch conferences, but certain finance professionals can benefit from this networking database.

Crunchbase tends to attract technology startups as well as venture capital investors, but professionals who work in the mergers and acquisitions space should strongly consider submitting their profiles. When you look at this professional bio, for example, you get information about successfully completed M&A deals listed on the News and Activity section; moreover, you also get to see connections and related hubs in another section. This is the kind of information that investors and deal makers thrive on, and it is presented in a format that is easier to digest than LinkedIn.

To get the most from your Crunchbase profile in 2020, you have to start thinking in terms of search engine optimization; in fact, you may want to retain the services of an SEO professional to ensure that the profile will be easily discovered by internet searchers. SEO competition is significant among Crunchbase profiles, but it is not as evident as it is in LinkedIn. It is a good idea to look at profiles in the field you operate to get a feel for what yours should look like. Make sure you have a list of relevant keywords and key phrases that should appear on the profile.

Registering on Crunchbase is easy as long as you have an established profile on LinkedIn or Twitter; the latter social network tends to work better when it is verified, and it can add functionality through the Crunchbase integration feature. Keep in mind that it may take a few days for your profile to be verified by Crunchbase staff.

Consistency is crucial on Crunchbase. You will want to get all the branding elements on the same page, especially if you intend to promote your company as well. Everything from logos to slogans should be consistent, but you do not want to run into duplication situations because they may ultimately result on a negative ranking assigned by the Google search engine algorithm. When it comes to narrative, you will want to write in the third person and with excellent grammar. If your company already has a Google My Business profile, make sure that the information matches.

Once your Crunchbase profile is approved, the last thing you will want to do is to forget about it. Similar to a LinkedIn profile, the goal is to keep it fresh, updated, and interesting. We are living in highly visual times, which means that visitors to your profile will respond more positively to images, videos, and infographics with misophoniatreatment.com/. Don’t forget to return to your profile and look it over from time to time; look for information that may no longer be applicable, and be sure to add news coverage as soon as it is published.

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