Digital nomads are professionals who utilize technology to do their jobs no matter where they are in the world. Leveraging technology to work remotely while traveling and exploring new locales is an exciting opportunity for just about anybody.

Gennady Podolsky is a travel writer and logistics expert who has spent the vast portion of his life traveling and exploring the world while working from the comfort of his digital devices.

Revered for his ability to work from anywhere while handling the needs of his clients, Podolsky opened up about the different methods of success that he has utilized throughout his life as a digital nomad.

Digital Nomad Life & You

A digital nomad is simply someone who travels the world leveraging their technology to accomplish tasks. These digital nomads may work online in certain areas for specific segments of time, typically a month or so.

Podolsky says of the digital nomad revolution, “I think it’s been happening with COVID and with all of this remote work. You can work from anywhere.” As more and more employers maintain flexibility in a post-COVID-lockdown world, people are now finding themselves able to live in places that are not geographically close to their jobs.

Gennady Podolsky expects digital nomads to continue to rise in ranks over the coming years, especially with nations like Barbados and Georgia actively inviting them in. Barbados, Estonia, and Georgia have all created digital nomad visas to allow remote workers to stay in their countries for up to 12 months.

Building Better Habits as a Digital Nomad

Gennady Podolsky believes that digital nomads need to stay prepared at all times. Living on the road means planning and carefully setting yourself up for success. In order to accomplish this goal, Podolsky outlined a few ways to make the most of the experience while building better habits.

Focus on Authenticity – Gennady Podolsky loves traveling because it allows him to enjoy authenticity and simplicity no matter where he goes. Podolsky says, “This chance for authenticity and for things that are still different because I feel like sometimes the world is becoming so similar.”

Prepare For Life – If you are going to work in a remote locale, you need to prepare for life as if you are staying there for a while. Gennady Podolsky advises setting up shop near a local clinic and grocery store, centrally positioning yourself near the things you need most.

Learn the Language – Whether you are staying for a week or half of a year, take time to learn the language or at least setup tools to help facilitate communication. Translator applications can go a long way toward helping ease various communications.

Contingency Plans – Finally, Gennady Podolsky suggests taking time to make contingency plans. Sometimes things won’t turn out like we hoped, so find peace of mind in preparing for what comes after. From taking the time to find your closest emergency room to ensuring you have a Plan B for each night, planning for unexpected changes is key to feeling free but safe.


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