If you are soon to be popping that magical question, there is a lot to take onboard, and aside from the very obvious challenge of sourcing the perfect diamond engagement ring, you have to consider to circumstances in which you will ask your soulmate to join with you in matrimony. This isn’t something you can casually drop on her over coffee, indeed, it is an opportunity to create a lasting memory and with some careful planning and a little imagination, you can come up with a surprise she will never forget.

The After-Dinner Proposal

This is one of the favourite choices, as you choose the ideal venue, which could be her favourite eatery or one of the great wedding restaurants in Sydney, of which there are many. Of course, the management would be in on the secret and they would bring out the iced bubbly at exactly the right moment, and you could be creative and have the ring morphed into the menu. One thing that is certain, the other diners will love witnessing such a romantic scene, so expect a round of applause and lots of best wishes. If you would like a more private setting, choose a corner table and hope for a quiet night.

Things to Consider

When planning a surprise engagement, obviously, the nightmare you want to avoid is a refusal, so you do need to feel very confident that she will say yes. If you have both talked about a future together, then this is a good sign, and if you wish to follow tradition, you should seriously consider asking her father for her hand in marriage. If you would like a home dinner proposal and are thinking about the menu, here are some great home cooking tips to give you some inspiration.

The Engagement Ring

Knowing her as you do means you have a good idea of her taste in jewellery and whether she is into fine antiques or a modern style, once you know her ring size, you can work out a budget and search online for the right ring. Once you have acquired the ring, you can then think about the date of your dinner and make the preparations in earnest, and if you would like to learn more about diamond grading, here is a great website that is full of important information,

The Surprise Factor

Some couples prefer to discuss their future and come to a decision to make their relationship legal by getting married, while some men would rather be romantic and make the proposal a surprise. If you are planning a surprise proposal, she might put two and two together when you tell her about the dinner arrangement, so it might be an idea to make her think there is a specific reason for the dinner like planning next year’s holiday.

If you spend some time thinking about how you are going to ask that very special question, you can plan every detail and make it a time that you will both remember for many years to come.


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